Where Are Your Treasures?

free-moving-announcement-front-chocWe are almost ready to move but one great lesson I have learned from all this is travel light. Travelling light could be both emotional or physical. We have been sorting, throwing and selling away stuff like crazy. We don’t realize how much we have until we move.  All of a sudden things we never thought existed just appeared. Four (4) christmas trees, boxes and boxes of ornaments, boxes and boxes of vinyls to name a few.

Through it all, it sort of put things in perspective because now we are in the last phase of selling a rather sentimental piece of my husband’s gramma’s possession. Her wrought iron garden set from the 50s is so gorgeous but super heavy. Her oriental planter pot is equally heavy but is so exquisite.  Her collection of musical instruments (they sold for $20.00 one bucket full).  The things she treasured while living are nothing but junk (for lack of a better word).  Things she held on dearly and tucked away neatly in the attic , are all novelty items either for donation, selling or the garbage bin. Even the heirloom and jewelries she left were sold. (I am keeping her watches!)

We can’t hold on to everything. We buy and store and hoard stuff. But one day we will all die and  whoever will inherit our possession will probably just sell, donate and throw them all away. They will spend the money we work hard for (and saving)  the way we wouldn’t spend them. The expensive china and the silverware we won’t use (but kept in the hutch) will probably won’t be used and be sold anyway. large_garage-sale-sign

We live to enjoy the fruits of our labor, including the expensive china and the silverware (which I will polish, clean and use). Nothing is wrong with saving money for rainy days or for when we grow older than the usual, but working endlessly to make ( and hoard)  money and taking for granted the now (family, making memories, etc) is a different story.

Matthew 6:20 reminds us not to store earthly but heavenly treasures. I believe that if this becomes our motto in life, we won’t be needing too much and we will probably think twice before buying items we don’t really need.

Travel light, friends.

Matthew 6

Please take off your shoes.