Warfare is Real

I started the Cleansing Stream class two weeks ago and I was so looking forward to going to the 2nd session today. But last night after seeing a movie, our car broke down and was unable to go to church this morning. Sweat, frustration and Triple A later, we just stayed home and watched Dr. Charles Stanley’s inTouch and this is his preaching about the church. (Yes, I take down notes all the time).


Later during the day while I was reviewing my workbook, I noticed a folded piece of paper at the last page of the book and here’s what it said: (highlighted)


I realized of course that the car breaking down was no ordinary accident, Satan just did not want me to go to the class (of course!) Talk about warfare! To confirm that, we tried starting the car once again and it did in one click. We were trying to start the car for 2 hours!

But Jesus is victorious all the time, what the enemy meant for me to miss gave way to an even better morning because someone sat with me for an hour listening to the word of God! He would otherwise just drop me off and pick me up later after the service.

This is warfare, but Jesus is victorious ALL the time. He is always one step ahead, two even.

And it did not stop there. While I was trying to relax I started reading Protecting Your Home from Spiritual Darkness, two to three chapters later, I fell asleep and I woke up with a disturbing image of a house fixture that I wanted to throw out. ( I couldn’t throw it our because it isn’t mine) To take my mind away from it, I turned the TV on and I like MONK ( I have watched the re-runs backwards from the last season ), and guess what? The episode was about Voodoo!! There was actually a scene where the warlock was chanting something to “uncurse” Natalie, and I just had to mute it. Crazy? Maybe. Was it a coincidence? Not really.

I just prayed and confessed to God and asked Him to help me with the new revelation and I guess what I wanted to share with you is: warfare is real. Things don’t seem to be what they appear on the outside. There is a force behind every situation and a reason things are happening. What we think are coincidences really are just another “move on the chessboard”. But…

God is our King! (Amen) and is able to help us and deliver us from any harassment or bondage. Jesus is victory and there is power in His name.

Ephesian 6:12 says:

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

With this in mind, we develop a deeper understanding of why certain things happen to us but there is nothing to fear because we have on our side an omnipotent God, able to shield us and empower us through Jesus.

10 thoughts on “Warfare is Real

    1. He is so subtle that it appears to be the truth. But soaking with God’s truth is when we can discern and win. I love your stories. God is so amazing. We don’t know each other yet we know each other! Does that make sense?


  1. This was a good one. The scriptures were on point. I like that you said nothing is a coincidence, it’s just another ‘move on the board’. That’s so true! We have to ‘recognize’ what’s really going on and be on guard at ALL times…..not entertaining anything that’s not like God. A lot of people don’t like to talk about spiritual warfare, but it is real!

    Blessings my sister đŸ™‚


    1. Hi Pastor JC. What it is too, when we become aware of this warfare the more we experience struggles and challenges. The subtlety of Satan if not detected could be so ingrained in us that we begin to accept some practices as the norm. A heightened sensitivity and discernment can only be achieved through Jesus. I am thinking it could be too much and scary to some, but that is exactly the tactic of the enemy-to be scared and do nothing about it.


  2. Amen sister! The devil does not attack those that he already has power over, he is seeking to devour those who are in tune with the Lord Jesus Christ but we will always have the victory through Christ Jesus our Lord. I delight in this post because it proves that when we are grounded in the Lord, we See the unseen. Blessings!


    1. It is real and although it may seem frightening but when we soak in God’s words, and remember that we have authority over demons, half the battle is won. We do not become paranoid just confident that Jesus is alive and got our backs.


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